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SS-50 65C02 Board Experiment

My very first computer was a KIM-1 (bought in 1978, almost exactly 40 years ago) and my first job at Franklin Computer was writing 6502 assembly code, so I’ve been a fan of the 6502 for a long time.

Recently I was toying with the idea of an SS-50 CPU board with a 6502, but then decided a 65C02 would be a better option.  The 6502 started as a copy of the 6800 so it was easy getting it onto the SS-50 bus.

This is the result:

I’m not really planning on this being a product soon, as it was more of an experiment.  Besides the board, I also needed to develop a monitor (CTMON65) to allow the console to do things.  Basic specs:

  • 65C02 running at 2 MHz.
  • RAM from 0000-7FFF.
  • RAM can be enabled in 4K blocks from 8000-EFFF.  Allows positioning RAM around the SS-50 I/O ranges for either a 6800 or 6809.
  • Baud rate generator for 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 baud.
  • 28C64, 28C128 or 28C256 EEPROM.  Jumpers select the high order address bits so up to four monitors can be in EEPROM.
  • The regions from E000 to EFFF can be RAM, ROM, or not enabled (I/O for 6809).
  • Includes a software driven single-step function, exactly like the KIM-1 does it.  Monitor functions do all the work.
  • Monitor (CTMON65) supports all the usual stuff, including support for the SD Card System.

The monitor has been going through some re-writes and isn’t ready for doing much.  There are a lot of software projects on my to-do list, this being one of them.

At this point, this isn’t a product, as I don’t think there is much demand.  The 6502 never had a dominant OS except for machine-specific ones, so there is no generic OS I can simply write drivers for and have it work.

Anyway, this was my fun project recently.  I’ll probably have it at VCF MW next month.